Monday, November 19, 2012

Facebook d in the big like

A big joke ! , relationresultSomewhatfamiliar voice make BOT look ;the next to see sights ,is lets the sergeant quickly arose and standard salute : salute to you .Firyal highness ! , relationresultWhileLeo is also the long body and rise ,laughed : firyal !When did you get back to the .
Your father will come back ? , relationresultBeautifulOrc woman and ignored their BOT ,but respectfully to the days to sergeant .Then he smiled and replied : returned as the military ,so the earth !My father did not come back ?I just came to ask your father ;over time in a mansion .
As you celebrate !You must be there ! Said firyal went to Leo side ,close to hold the title of sergeant elbow .relationresultHa ha ha !Swiss police are getting really love big deal .
When the military forces as military chief what ah ?To celebrate ,it is too exaggerated !However ;since our firyal came in person to please me, I certainly is ! , relationresultThe Fia thanked uncle !How did not see AI Libo mother ? , relationresultShe should be in the kitchen ?This time BOT often ,so Elle will insist on their own food to eat him !I followed to enjoy many blessing .
Yes. You and the bot should be an old acquaintance ,he was in Kansas saved you this thing ,but very popular , relationresultLeowords can not be avoided the topic center moved to the side of the black orcs ;firyal looking to sergeant, tone ,said: it is an old acquaintance !BOT ,on your fingers hurt good ? , relationresultSuddenlylet Sergeant slightly one, he recalled many times .
Remembered ;the finger injury comes from where .Black orcs smile replied : your highness .Thank you for your concern ,finger injuries early on ! BOT it just fell .Firyal behind a female orcs ,wearing a uniform interface: how can you firyal sister hand injuries !She just missed his scarf ! , relationresultNotpolite to speak .
Of course, from the imperial archduchess : Los .relationresultStormUS words is enough to make people angry .But some time ago due to a thing ,bot only embarrassed laughs: Your Highness ,I have been keeping your scarf ,if needed ;I can always send back ! , relationresultSend a person how can anything back ,if you think the scarf in throw ! , relationresultThe princesslooks angry reply ,let Sergeant well-advised to shut up .
relationresultFei Ya ,my beautiful girl .When did you get back to the !Austrian .Look ;you are getting more and more beautiful ;another time ;I the stars in the sky ,in front of you also want to away ! I do not know when appears in the living room of Elle ,walking to the princess said .
relationresultThe title ofsergeant ,the exaggeration of the discourse ,just broke the awkward atmosphere .relationresultThe princessquickly turned to Elle a respectful bow : aunt praised !Firyal which have so beautiful .
It was aunt ;you maintain better ! Said female Orc greeted lady ,two people close to chat up !relationresultFiryalleave BOT to catch his breath ,he was just to the operating line of ritual of Luo son said: us ,last in the training field, I do not know you .
So with the javelin to live you .Well, I apologize. , relationresultWe fight, this is very normal .Don ! , relationresultPrincess ,I am your majesty fighters with weapons ,pointing to the royal .
I must apologize for , relationresultBOTwords let LOS was surprised to look over the black orcs ,then laughs: the loyalty ,you really have our race character ,Facebook!Why do others not so you ? , relationresultPrincess .
I am a orc ,is always .I don ;you always said I don like the orcs ,cnn! , relationresultIn many ways is not like you .relationresultAfter a few months.Kansas ,on the wall .relationresultThe southernarmy to a number of infantry million people are grouped in teams .
They looked away the miles Robbie union camp ,conscientious patrol stationed !relationresultThisconfrontation has been half a year ,since after the Titans to retreat .Robbie alliance has not attacked ,long time stalemate, but let the orcs soldiers have some slack .
After all, a little military sense knows, Robbie Union, its strength is not enough to overcome the heavily defended ,the terrain Xianyao ;Kansas .relationresultButthings always have accidentally ,but today the accident opened a new battle * * .
relationresultInKansas walls were Orc magic as bright as day ,the east the sun has just risen when ;Robbie union camps suddenly rises a house of shadows .These shadows there are at least three meters high, the sun upon them reflects the metallic luster !relationresultZoom:these shadows are completely by massive armor piled up ,even the helmet of orbital are radiating from the bloody red .
relationresultSuddenly;a armor took a step forward in .Turn around and face the rest of the same .relationresultObviously not normalhuman tone in the thick of the helmet was: curse of armored infantry comrades .
I ,your head :Shor ,starkey .Stand on the wall in the front of .relationresultIwant to say is just over a year ago .I came here .relationresultAt that time:our beautiful Kansas has just been orcs stole .
The more evil than the devil beast ,the city became a death .relationresultI wasto lead the assault troops entered casas .Inside that all people into zombies .Everywhere badly mutilated ,the beast people even hiding in the sewers of blocking the commando !Countless comrades were they turned into a corpse .
The body has been turned into zombies .relationresultOur bravesoldiers ,even bodies have not been peace .relationresultLaterthe result is certainly fail :We orcs arrived first ,out of their homeland !relationresultFora soldier ,on one class ;this is a great shame !Eternal shame !relationresultNow;I came back, and this time come back ,I will not go !relationresultHave a lookwe curse armor ,among them ;at a cost ,have enough to buy a small village .
And their power ,also do not have to say ;you put on it before three people together can beat a good Orc warrior ,but put on armor after a spell ,any one of you ,can be independently to kill three Orc soldier !relationresultThis is just thecombat strength ;magic armor has several ten ,to shoot various darts and crossbow machine reed mouth ,google.
Left hand magic crystal for Armor spell runes with magic ,you may use at least three low-level magic .relationresultThe most important!The most important !The most important is the curse ;wear armor ,I was even higher than those of orc !! , relationresult.
relationresultThe two volume of the thirty-seven chapter , relationresultSirwords make the Robbie Union soldiers sent to chuckle, ease the pre-war tension .relationresultForin men after laughing ,agile turn a body ,huge boots heavy hit the ground, making a muffled .
His left hand is stroking her a star badge ,mouth silently read: Pentagram commando brothers ,today I will take revenge for you !relationresultIwas dressed like a magic armor .It is the organ of science and magic spells the perfect combination ,it is the strong force ,the league greatest invention !relationresultIput it on ,you can easily kill the beast !I will revenge for you ;with their blood ! , relationresultWordsmake arrangements with these ,for a high raised his right hand in the big like tree trunks. Related articles:

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